***Read before travelling on Saturday 25th & Sunday 26th August 2018***
Note – Dublin Airport departure and arrival stops will remain the same.
Diversions in Dublin City Centre – Saturday 25th August 2018
We don’t have any access to Heuston Station or Eden Quay on Saturday 25th August.
From 12:00hrs – 17.00hrs on Saturday our Dublin City Centre drop off point will be at the following:
We will NOT be dropping at Heuston Station or Eden Quay during those times.
Diversions in Dublin City Centre – Sunday 26th August 2018
There will be significant road closures around Dublin City Centre on Sunday, 26 August 2018. Anyone who has bought tickets or who will be travelling on our services to Dublin City Centre on 26 August are advised to pre-book online. Please read the following diversions and alternations to bus stops before travelling.
Our Dublin City Drop Off Points
From 06:00hrs – 12 midnight on Sunday 26th 2018 our Dublin City Centre drop off point will be at the following:
We will NOT be dropping at Heuston Station or Eden Quay.
Our Dublin City Pick Up Point – Ulster Bank, Georges Quay
From 06:00hrs – 12 midnight on Sunday 26th 2018 our Dublin City Centre pick up point will be at the following:
We will NOT be picking up at Heuston Station.
You can also get updates on Facebook, follow us on Twitter @JJKavanaghBuses or call our customer service line on (0818 333 222), lines open from 07:00 – 19:00hrs (7 days a week).