What are JJ Kavanagh & Sons Smarctards?
JJ Kavanagh & Sons Smartcard is the new convenient way for both Free Travel Customers and Paying Customers to travel across our services. It’s a plastic Smartcard which can hold pay as you go travel credit and weekly bus passes. It saves you carrying or looking for change and Smartcard fares are 10% cheaper than cash tickets.
Type of JJ Kavanagh & Sons Smartcards
The three types of Smartcards users:
(a) “Travel Card” can be used by both students and adults. Payment options include making a Top Up or purchasing a weekly ticket online. Register Here.
(b) “Free Travel (New Social Welfare Card)” can be used by a valid social welfare travel pass holder. It must be registered with the correct social welfare card details such as PPS No. and once validated by the Department of Social Protection the card can be used on the routes that avail of free travel. Register Here.
(c) “Free Travel (Old Social Welfare Card)” can be used by a valid social welfare travel pass holder. It must be registered with the correct social welfare card details such as Ref No. and once validated by the Department of Social Protection the card can be used on the routes that avail of free travel. Register Here.
Benefits of using your Smartcard for (Paying Customers)
- Smartcard fares are 10% cheaper than cash sales.
- Your Smartcard will be protected against loss or theft.
- You can easily Top-Up or Buy your weekly bus ticket.
- You can view and print your card history.
- You can update your personal details.
Benefits of using your Free Travel Smartcard Holders
- Simply tab your JJ Kavanagh & Sons Free Travel Smartcard when boarding the coach.
- A Seat Only Reservation is an option for registered Free Travel Smartcard Customers who would like to reserve a seat on a service and who are in possession of our JJ Kavanagh & Sons Free Travel Smartcard.